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8 Tips to Help You Write a Novel

04 Feb

Congratulations on your huge decision to write a novel. This is obviously no small feat, and will require a lot of time and diligience as you craft your story. It will also require you to be incredibly consistent as you adhere to your own personal deadlines. Here are some tips to ensure that you stay on track and focus on developing your story.

1. Pick a time to write: Writing is all about consistency. Find a time where you can write at the same time every single day. Of course things come up, so always pick a time where you know that you will be able to devote to writing. Some writers prefer morning sessions and others like to write in the evening, know yourself and the benefits of each and you plan your time.

2. Pick a set amount of hours to work: Now that you know what time you will be writing, you will also have block out a set amount of time. Consider starting with 20 minutes per and building up to one hour.

3. Turn off distractions: Our cell phones are an incredible way to stay connected; however they can also be awfully distracting when you are trying to write. Turn off all phones during your writing time and do not look at any other browsers, except your writing pad or word doc.

4. Just write: As simple as it sounds, the beginning stages of writing are really just about putting your thoughts to paper. This doesn't have to perfect, or even the exact form that it will end up. The idea of starting is to get your writing juices flowing, which eventually led to more concrete and focused ideas.

5. Find inspiration: Other writers are inspiring and can help you to focus. When you aren't writing, consider attending author readings and join a book club to become immersed in the world of literature and words.

6. Read: Another important aspect of writing to stay sharp. Reading is a great way to soak in characters, learn about other people's style and structure and flex your brain as you think creatively.

7. Edit: During your writing process, find time to go back, check your work and edit your thoughts. You will be amazed what new insight gets created.

8. Show your work: As scary as it may seem, you will have to have your words read. Share them with friends and colleagues that you trust and be prepared to receive some honest and insightful feedback.

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